Suggested donation: $15, classes start this August. Email me to register!
Whether you're applying for college or you're twenty years out of college and looking toward the next audition (fingers crossed!), you need to continue studying your craft, but that costs money. How can we as performers support the expense of ongoing training on top of our other basic necessities? How can we manage this when the only jobs that provide the freedom to audition pay low hourly wages, often without benefits? AND we live in a big city where the cost of living is through the roof. AND, AND, AND. Frankly, if you don't have financial support from your family, it's virtually impossible. In particular, BIPOC folk are edged out of the industry because of their financial situation and inability to invest in training.
Add to all of that a raging pandemic that has completely halted the theater industry and shut down many of the hourly wage jobs that performers need to get by and the situation just gets worse. There's a lot more to say about this topic (theater bailout, universal basic income, universal health care, get out the vote people!), but I'll leave that to other blogs and twitterspheres and stick to what I know, and how I can help make a difference.

Recently, a performer tweeted his frustration on this topic and it went viral within the theater community. He's right, and I am in a position to help in my own little way, especially right now while my conservatory classes are postponed and I'm home more often teaching online. SO, starting this August, I'll begin hosting group vocal technique classes for aspiring singers and students who struggle to afford the cost of ongoing training. We'll meet weekly in small groups for 90 minutes and everyone will get a chance to sing, receive feedback, and make progress. We'll also cover important topics that every singer should know about vocal health, anatomy, and singing techniques.
There will be a $15 suggested donation per class. BIPOC folk with be prioritized, but everyone is welcome! If you're interested, contact me through this website and we'll set up time to get to know each other and sing a bit. Then, I'll assign you a song to work on and we'll schedule you into an upcoming class series. There are currently three starting in August; one class will take place in the morning for students across the pond and in the Asia-Pacific. I hope many of you will find this useful, and that I can help a few more students who are struggling financially make it to their next audition.
Wishing all of you good health, safety, and sanity during this crazy time. Danielle